100 Tourism related businesses from Hermanus, Hawston, Zwelihle and Kleinmond attended the event organised by the Hermanus Business Chamber on 15 August at Hermanus Golf Club. 20 new members received their membership certificates.

TOURISM AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES – presented by Councillor Clinton Lerm from Overstand Municipality, Wesgro representatives Nadine Smith-Clarke and Adrienne Golden and Deputy Director of the DTIC Lionel Archillies.

Speakers at Chamber event on 15 August – Clinton Lerm OM Head of Tourism & Economic Development, Jana Smith HBC Chairperson, Nadine Smith Clarke and Adrienne Golden from Wesgro and Lionel Archillies from the Department of Trade & Industry and Competition.

New HBC members received their certificates on 15 August.

Raé Niewenhuis
Author: Raé Niewenhuis

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