The Annual General Meeting of the Hermanus Business Chamber on 4th April 2024 was attended by 80 Chamber members in the Windsor Hotel’s Whale room.  The outgoing Chairperson Richard Kotze gave an overview of the past year’s activities and events. These included:

  • An event with Premier Alan Winde and some Ministers – oganised by Optimum.
  • Festival organisers presentations by FynArts, Kalfiefees and Whale Festival.
  • Networking events where members could introduce themselves.
  • Local Economic Development event with speaker Prof Marius Venter.
  • Small Business Institute presentation on how they can assist Chambers.
  • Carolyn Martin from Creation Wines talked about their international award.
  • Special event to give recognition to the Overstrand Municipality for their effective handling of the storm damage by handing a Certificate of Excellence to the Mayor and a free lunch to some of the municipal workers on the ground.
  • At the Year-end event members introduced themselves in a fun way and networked.
  • A Potjiekos competition was hosted at the Groenberg Jukskei club and winners awarded.
  • Business Partners held a breakfast event for Chamber Members re financing options..

A new Executive Committee was elected. The Office bearers are: Chairperson: Jana Smith, Vice Chair: Raé Niewenhuis, Treasurer: Vic Barnard.  The rest are: Aloma Jonker, Debbie van Vuren,  Fikile Khiva, Fikiswa Gxamesi, Jayne Rogerson (Prof), Johan van Schalkwyk, Kijl Resandt, Liz Coates, Marc De Maudave Bestel, Marita Geldenhuys, Marlene Saayman, Marlene Strauss , Sarel Swanepoel, Sue Olivier, Trevor Edwards.    The rest of the evening was enjoyed with drinks, snacks and networking.

Open chat
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